Corda Top Ten Facts #5: Openly Governed

September 04, 2018

Corda Top Ten Facts #5: Openly Governed

Myth: Corda is centrally controlled

Reality: Corda is developed in the open, contribution guidelines are clear and inclusive, the design review process is documented and open to all — and Design Review Board calls are recorded and made available to everybody. If you want to contribute to Corda or are just curious, you’ll be made very welcome.

There is a somewhat closed-door initiative in the enterprise blockchain space… but it isn’t Corda.

As for Corda, the doors are open. We’ve closely modelled our work on the path trail-blazed by the Linux Foundation and the work of Hyperledger, such as the pervasive use of the Apache 2 licence and doing our work — including our arguing! — in public.

Join the debate or chat on slack with the world’s friendliest blockchain development community!
